Tuesday, December 21, 2010

陪你到最后 - 冯以量





" Money does not matter but love matter"
  1. 这是BRIAN常常说得,看完这本书,给我最大的启示是:
  2. 有太多人比我坚强,我所经历的其实也没什么了不起
  3. 我的生命有我自己操控,不管我现在什么年龄,什么阶段,我还是能够作选择;选择一条自己觉得有意义、有价值的生命道路。
  4. 身边有太多的人 (爸爸、妈妈、家人、Brian)为我的欢乐和享受付出太多。。。。。。我又要为他们付出什么呢?我有愿意这么做吗?


Tuesday, September 7, 2010







Wednesday, July 21, 2010


7.30pm 两位政治人士入场,场面座无虚席;心想到底这两位怎么会有这样的魅力吸引这么多人来听讲座,我却完全不知道他们是谁。

主持人 - 郑丁贤文笔非常好,口才也真的和不错。在欢笑中介绍两位主讲人。其中言语有:




  1. 蒋夫人生日,100岁时,非常多人;101岁时,只有我和太太去庆祝。。。。。。如果你真的这么高兴,为什么不要天天来?
  2. 见撒切尔夫人,他刚到2个小时就参与晚宴。我对他说, I am a spoken man of Taiwan - 新闻局局长。“ You look wonderful even though you have just rested for 2 hours after the long flight journey." She said: " You are definitely a spoke man.
  3. If you cannot be No.1, try to be the ONLY one!
  4. 幽默, 唯一的目的是利他,要让他人高兴,绝对不是一种私欲的表现或自我炫耀。目标是希望看到你脸上的笑容, 我喜欢你快乐。
  5. 小狗戴helmet in Taichung. I am the most obedient 市民。
  6. 进修是一种心里状态,工作、进步也就是在进修。
  7. 我宁可失败也不要腐败!
  8. 压力、压力,越压越有力


2010年03月04日 17:38 《文史参考》

玛格丽特·撒切尔,一个杂货铺老板的女儿,没有显赫的身世,靠个人奋斗跻身于仕宦之列,成为英国历史上声望仅次于丘吉尔的最强硬的 政治家。


出于政治上的勃勃雄心,1951年,丹尼斯·撒切尔向她求婚时,她提出要以婚后不干涉她实现自己的政治目标为前提条件。婚后,玛格丽特竞选上院议员 时遭到拒绝。丹尼斯鼓励说:“你的劣势就是你的性别。但如果你能够好好利用女性魅力,它将成为支持你的力量。”听从了丈夫建议,玛格丽特开始精心打扮自 己。她染了头发,并穿开领上衣和短裙。玛格丽特令人眼前一亮,凭借清新的形象和流利的口才,她终于在芬奇利区改选议员时脱颖而出。

“女人不是软弱和无能的代名”,玛格丽特用她的作为证明了这一切。1979年,她当选为英国首位女首相,开启“铁娘子时代”。1981年,英国梅兹 监狱发生绝食事件,他们企图逼迫政府将其释放,但玛格丽特态度坚决:“对共和军囚犯让步就是给他们颁发屠杀无辜的许可证!”结果有10名囚犯因绝食而亡。 1982年,英国与阿根廷在马尔维纳岛的归属问题上发生争端,玛格丽特坚决不在领土问题上让步,她调动全英国三分之二的海军力量发动了对阿的战争,并取得 了胜利。撒切尔在任上大力推行私有化,限制工会力量,英国经济从低迷中走出困境,但贫富差距的急剧扩大也引发了社会的破裂、犯罪率的上升,这也使她毁誉参 半。


Nelson Mandela Biography - Biography's Black History - Trivia, Timeline, Photos

Nelson Mandela Biography - Biography's Black History - Trivia, Timeline, Photos

Sharing - 210710

I will Follow my dream until I have NO more DREAM. ~ Peter's son ~

To achieve Greatness, you have to be prepared to SACRIFICE what you LOVE the MOST. ~ Peter ~

Someone I admire :- Tony Fernandes

AirAsia In The Press

22 December 2003 Source: Source: Business Times, NST

Fernandes pilots AirAsia to greater heights

AIRASIA Sdn Bhd chief executive officer (CEO) Tony Fernandes isn't surprised that he is often compared with Virgin Group founder and chairman Sir Richard Branson. They both have music flowing through their veins, and they both own an airline. They even know each other.

However, in an interview with Business Times, Fernandes said he and Branson are as different as chalk and cheese.
"Everyone thinks that I'm trying to emulate him. Big difference. He owns a record company (Virgin Records). I worked for one (when Fernandes was working for Virgin and Warner Music International's London office). The airline (Virgin Atlantic Airways) he runs is also different from the one we run," said Fernandes.

"He (Branson) is flamboyant while I'm not. He is not a hands-on manager while I am. He puts people to manage his businesses while most of the time my partners and myself manage AirAsia ourselves.

"He likes to start something new and then moves on to another when he gets bored. I mean he heads a company that offers everything from music to mobile phones, trains, personal finance and clothing. I just have this (AirAsia) and I can't see myself doing anything else for a long, long time, except as an investor," said Fernandes.

Still, he understands the comparison to Branson. "I think maybe it stems from the fact that Branson and I both share the same passion for music and having fun. Our management style is also different from other CEOs'," Fernandes said.

Since taking over the reins at AirAsia in 2001, Fernandes has become one of the most aggressive CEOs in the country. He has been named the joint winner of the CEO of the Year 2003 award by American Express Corporate Services and Business Times. The 39-year-old graduated from the UK in accountancy in 1987. It took a brief stint as an auditor with a firm in London for Fernandes to realise that he wasn't interested in becoming a full-fledged accountant. "I really hated the job, so six months later I left to join Virgin as a financial analyst and then financial controller in the company's television division in London, where I worked for two years," he recalled.
In the course of his work with Virgin he got to know Branson. "I was there when Branson started his airline (Virgin Atlantic in 1984). We all thought he was mad when he started it just as I think many people thought I was mad (when I took over AirAsia)," Fernandes said.
Fernandes then moved to join Warner Music in 1989 and was transferred back to Malaysia in 1999. Fernandes was 27 when he became the youngest-ever managing director of Warner Music (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. His last serving role at Warner Music was as vice-president for the Asean region.

Two years later, Fernandes traded in his high-flying job for a chance to create his own low-cost carrier. He started a company under the name TuneAir Sdn Bhd in partnership with chairman Datuk Pahamin A. Rajab and directors Abdul Aziz Abu Bakar and Kamarudin Meranun; on December 8 2001, TuneAir officially acquired 99.25 per cent equity of 51.68 million shares from DRB-HICOM Bhd and took over AirAsia, Malaysia's second national carrier.

"I wanted to do that because I was fed up with the politics in the workplace and tired of working for others and being told what to do. I told myself, 'I am still young and if I don't start now it will eventually be too late. Even if it fails, I can always go back to being an accountant.

"And I don't want to look back 20 years from now and say, 'I should have tried it. It is better to try and fail, then not try at all. That's my philosophy," said Fernandes.

Fernandes said the idea of starting an airline came from him. "I had this desire to start an airline and I thought a low-fare airline would work very well in Malaysia.

So I went around and started putting the plans together. I roped in three partners - Datuk Pahamin, Aziz and Kamarudin, for starters. Datuk Pahamin helped arrange a meeting with then Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. "It was Dr Mahathir who said that he would rather us buy an existing airline than to start a new one. I think Dr Mahathir's vision was all about turning companies around as opposed to starting new ones. And it was the greatest thing that could ever have happened because one, AirAsia has a strong brand. Two, it was a good airline that DRB-HICOM started. Operationally, it is a safe airline, with good pilots and good staff. "So, we didn't have to go through the painful process of recruiting and training people. We had a working model from day one. We just had to change the strategy a bit."

Fernandes concedes that while he dreamt of owning his own airline ever since he was a young boy, "never in my wildest dreams had I thought it would come true".

"I always thought, come middle age, I'd be a corporate man. I didn't think I had the courage to be an entrepreneur because you can get pretty comfortable as a corporate man. For example, when I was at Warner Music, I flew first class all the time, was paid a lot of money, had a secure job and was moving up the corporate ladder. I never thought I would want to be my own boss. I didn't think I had the guts, to be honest," he recalled, laughing. Today, Fernandes operates out of a modest, unglamorous office space at KL International Airport in Sepang. He has no intention of moving out of his office or relocating AirAsia's headquarters to one of the office towers in Kuala Lumpur.

"Never. It will always be at the airport. If you run an airline, you have to be at the airport and this is one of the main reasons for our success:
"You've got to be close to your business. You've got to be able to talk to your guests (a term used by AirAsia to describe its passengers), see why there are flight delays and what's happening.
"You've got to keep your finger on the pulse. I think too many senior executives lose track of their staff and business by being too distant from where the real action is. If you build an elaborate headquarters in the middle of the city, people are tempted to spend a lot of time there, and it becomes really unproductive," Fernandes reasoned.

"But because I'm here (at KLIA), I live it, breathe it and see it. Admittably, it's not a great office. It's small and far away from the city, but I think we are successful primarily because of things like these."

Fernandes has also instilled a unique corporate culture that emphasises having fun. Thus, it is not surprising to walk into his office and find him deep at work with rock music blasting away. The 1,000-strong AirAsia staff also get to dress in smart casuals.
"It is a casual environment that we have here. I think we are the only airline where everyone shares the same office - pilots, cabin crew, engineers, personnel from marketing, finance and others, and this makes it a fun place to be in," said Fernandes.

Despite all his accomplishments, he remains humble and you can find his staff talking to Fernandes the same way they talk to their friends and colleagues.

Fernandes, who has no background in the airline industry, readily admits to not knowing everything. "Our fifth partner, who came from Ryanair, (director) Conor McCarthy, is very much my 'sifu'. And I learn from the staff themselves. "But most of the time, I learn by doing the job. I don't pretend to know everything. Stuff I don't know, I just ask. And there's no substitute for hard work," he said.

"I like being close to the operations. I enjoy working with people and half of my job is to motivate my staff. Because no matter how good I am, my staff are the ones who make me who I am," Fernandes said.

"We are only as good as the people below us. Without my staff, we are nowhere."

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

9th july 2010

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are those who get up and look for the circumstances they want; and if they can't find them, make them." George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Inspiration of the day 24-6-20

"It's not what you do once in a while; it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference." Jenny Craig

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Inspiration of the day 15-04-10

"I will forget the happenings of the day that is gone, whether they are good or bad, and greet the new sun with confidence that this will be the best day of my life." Og Mandino

Monday, April 12, 2010

Inspiration of the day 13-4-10

"There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself." Henry David Thoreau

I've met too many individuals who rely on other people/things for happiness. It could be a job, a hobby, a spouse, money, etc. These can all be GREAT, but they're also external - meaning that unless you have found happiness on the inside as well, these alone will never be enough. Think today of all the different external things that bring happiness to your life at this time, and ask yourself - what would you do (or how would you manage to be happy) if each and every one of them were taken away from you? The answer is sometimes scary, but definitely worth asking & finding! -from Sammy Rivera

Inspiration of the day 10-4-10

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." - from Amazing Daily Quotes to Keep Us Going.

Inspiration of the day 12-4-10

Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use." Earl Nightingale

Tuesday, March 30, 2010




材料 : (比率)
黑糖(1) :1 公斤
菜渣/果皮(3) :3 公斤
水(10) :10 公升



A) 酵素肥料1cc酵素 :100cc水
B) 酵素杀虫剂(昆虫)1cc酵素 :1,000cc水
C) 酵素空气清新剂1cc酵素 :200cc水
D) 种植、栽培花草和水果1cc酵素 :500cc水
E) 消毒1cc酵素 :500cc水
F) 洗发液、沐浴露、洗衣液及洗碗用1份酵素 :1份洗洁液 :10份水
